Schiit URD CD Transport SOON?

A non-working model of the long rumored Schiit URD CD Transport has started showing at hifi shows. The device was shown in the Schiit Booth at T.H.E Show in California a week or so ago.

Here’s the article:

New photo from the T.H.E. Show display:

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcreativepart

Showing 4 responses by creativepart

I'd agree... if it was not displayed at a major HIFi show in the manufacturer's booth 2-weeks ago - but it was on display.


There’s no planned release date. It was on display just for Schiits and giggles. 

Any yet, now, it's available for purchase a mere 18-days after your insightful comment.

Schiit used to offer a product called Etr... get it, Schiit Etr? So childish, but OK. I have one and it served one purpose... a DDC.

So, you input USB and get S/PDIF and maybe an AES-EBU connection output. The Etr had Coax and Toslink outputs. If you had an old non-USB DAC, or just preferred S/PDIF this product was for you. Lot's of folks make DDCs now a days.

Schiit stopped making the Etr when Unison USB came out and they get LOTs of requests for a new Etr with Unison USB.  They claim they don't need to make one, just use Unison USB and you're all set.

So, this product sort of does the job and Stoddard even called it a DDC in the Head-HiFi description of the products creation.

which does sound better but not superior

Humm, isn't something that is better by definition superior to the other thing? Seems like it to me.