Warm, rich but detailed SS preamp (made you give up tubes)

Anyone come a cross a warm, rich but detailed solid state preamp that engaged you and gave you that spatiality of a good tube preamp?

I suppose im thinking of C900u or Accuphase?

The FM Acoustic FM 155 copies you can by from China [Ali Express]  for around $300 sound staggeringly good.Not just good for the money but good by any standards.The real things were around $20,000.


Do you own one? I've seen them on aliexpress and always wondered what they sounded like.

Yes I own one of the FM155 copies.It is much better than say A Mystere CA21 tube preamp I have on loan and a class or two up on a Musical Fidelity A3 Cr I owned [which is a pretty good SS preamp].Not quite in the Supratek league but nothing I have used is.It does not sound SS-it just sounds really good.


Have always been curious about that little Morrison Elad preamp, looks so cool!  How is it & what did you use it with?