Can you pick out what is what?

Interesting comparison of Entry, Premium and High-end Phonostage/ cartridge combinations!

Hello Everybody. I am new here, so sorry if this is posted in the wrong group.

I thought members in here might find this video interesting, that offers you to listen and compare high quality direct recordings of the different combinations ranging from €300 to €20.000. The video can be seen on my Youtube Channel "Stjernholm Reviews", a non-monetized audiophile channel covering a lot of ground. See the video and take part!

Kind Regards,



Running a post on Vac Tubed Headphones....Kickstarter post I saw, interesting but I've happy without such, and have a pair received as gift from SO...

Posted just to amuse/inform/let y'all weigh in on it...

Yays 'n way within a world....*S*

wolf_garcia, I want to get inspired by other people.  If you say you like spicy food and I do too, I would be inclined to listen if you then told me you would recommend me to try some food I never tried before.  Would`ent you too?

Kind Regards, 


As long as a phono stage provides low noise and an accurate RIAA response, I’m not certain you realy need an uber expensive one. Sure you can spice things up with fancy circuitry or tubes etc, but ultimately, they don’t necessarily sound better, but different, as has been said an abundance of times. Also, concerning cartridges, I’ve adopted Avid hifi’s take on the matter, the foundation (turntable) matters most. You’d be surprised how well a so called cheap cartridge can sound on a very well made turntable.

audioguy85, the video download pack also contains examples of the same cartridge on the three very different Phono stages.     I will not be giving away my findings just yet, but let me just say I am not disagreeing with you! 😉


Sure you can spice things up with fancy circuitry or tubes etc, but ultimately, they don’t necessarily sound better, but different, as has been said an abundance of times.

Remembering that better is different from worse.....