Triode Wire Labs or NRG Custom The Five for my 300b SET tube amp?

So currently, my Cayin HA-300 300b SET tube amp is powered by the Morrow Audio MAP3 power cable, which I think is quite a good cable with a smooth, neutral sound fairly wide soundstage and very nice vocals and detail. I listen mostly on my LCD-3 headphones and my DAC is the Chord Hugo TT2. I also have the Western Electric 300b and Sylvania 6SN7W metal base tubes on the HA-300.

What I'd like is a bit more dynamic punch and meat without sacrificing resolution and soundstage, as well as not going too warm or too cold.

So I'm looking at two power cables, the Triode Wire Plus Seven Plus or the NRG Custom The Five. Also, is there a good reason to go with the Ten Plus or The One since the 300b tube amp?


A side tangent, in regards to burning in your power cable, would it be ok to plug it into a non-audiophile gear, ie. a computer to keep it running for a long time? I just don't want to burn away the life of my Western Electric 300b or 6SN7w tubes.

A side tangent, in regards to burning in your power cable, would it be ok to plug it into a non-audiophile gear, ie. a computer to keep it running for a long time?

Yes you can.


UPDATE: So I just received my Triode Wire Labs Seven Plus, and right out of the box, all I can say is WOW! This isn’t just a bit better than my Morrow Audio MAP3, but it’s very noticeably better! Everything seems to be more improved, from dynamics and texture to bass slam/extension and instrumental separation.

They’re not kidding when they say they have their PRAT (Pace, Rhythm, and Timing) down pat.

I’m not sure how many hours Pete burnt in my cable in his Audiodharma Cable Cooker, but I’m so glad he did so.

I’ll give it a few more days listen, but I feel that I may just cancel the NRG Customs "The Five" that I have on order and won’t even ship for 2 more weeks.

@jambaj0e yes the Seven Plus is very good. Not surprised at all you like it. Very open and dynamic. Enjoy!

@audphile1 Yeah! I'm just so surprised how much better it is! It's almost like I just changed my headphones or took out some cotton from the earcups or something, lol.

The crazy thing is while I don't think soundstage got bigger, instrument separation became clearer and more distinct, especially with how the drums sound.

Shoot, now I'm so tempted to upgrade my XLR from my Morrow Audio MA4 cables. They do have the Furutech CF-601M/CF-602F Rhodium connectors, though. Can I use them on a new cable?