You've run some pretty fancy MC's, but the _______ MM cartridge really impressed me

Fill in the blank above. If you wish, feel free to mention what MC or MC's you have used. 


@rauliruegas , yes, I saw "induced magnet" in the included lit but didn't know what it meant, figuring it was just marketing-speak for MM.

1) Micro Acoustics 630MP (an Electret not a MM but I think still meets the spirit of the thread)

2) Signet TK-7LCa

3) Empire 4000D/III

I sure miss the good old days learning from Raul, lewm, and nandric on Raul’s 1000 page MM thread…


gakerty, I love the 980LZS, too.  In my case, I have the 981LZS, one NOS and one used.  It is said that the 981 is a selected 980, but i doubt that makes any difference.

Lyra Atlas Lambda SL

This is truly end game for me. Had a DV XV-1s before this (also great) and a Clearaudio Concerto V2 before that.