The damper, the tension wire and cantilever position

This question is for Dover. I would prefer our ''heighest authority'' Carr but

am reluctant to bather his with possible silly question. Dover however,

whom I regard as ''second authority'' , is used to answer also silli questions.

Now my assumption is that damper to which coills are ,say, pressed

by tension wire  balance cantilever/stylu combo in  ''all directions'';

left and right and above and below . BUT they also MUST FOLLOW


My observation however is that also ''deviant'' cantilevers which

nobody would buy look STRAIGHT IN DE GROOVE. Ergo:: it is

the groove which determine cantilevet/stylus position .?


Yes Raul this thread is about me. I am damper. tension wire , cantilever and

stylus. All 4 variables work togther as myself.  There are limtless ways  to

use ''straw man'' strategy. My I remind  you abot you past? When you

bought , say, 25 cartridges and posted to Axel Schurjolz for ''refreshnemt''

without even listen to them first?  I have never seen any post of you in

wjich parts of your beloved carts are even mentioned . My quess is that

you have no idea how an MC cart looks inside. But you do often mention

LEVELS OF knowledge in Kantian  sense . Aka that you own this quality or

capability  A PRIORI. Delevered by Raul tor Raul. 

You must have at least one cart with ''deviant cantilever'' in your collection

as I do.  People start with some assertion believen it to be true and act in accordingly  with their assertion. My was that any deviation  from straight

meant defective cantikever. But I never tested tthis assertion but posted them

direct to Axel  Schurholz NOT FOR REFRESHMENT  but to get ''my cantileevr '' straight. 

You could check my new EGO by putting any of your cart with deviant cantiever

to test and THAN either DENY  OR CONFIRM my experiment.

BTW there can be only one PRIMA DONNA in our forum. You was but

at present we have one other. The fake New Zeelander. Whatever the

wine there he has, in your own terminoly, much HIHGER LEVEL OF




There is this ''curious'' theory that  ''NUMBERS DON"T LIE''. I WAS 


THIS FORUM: + 4000.  But in comparisson with Rauls  12307. 

The numbers in other ''function''. Instead to check my finding by simply

repetition of my ''expeiment'' Raul made the effort to count the numbers

of my posts in relation to other posts. The ressult : 37 by Nandric  from

the TOTAL of (ONLY) 58 by others. . What kind of ''argument'' is this?

I would say that this says more about Raul than Nandric. .


I am realy sorry for ONE more post to my own thread but those numbers

forced me , so to speak, to think about them. In context with Wittgenstein.

I was skeptical about his understaning about what phylosophy is about.

The reason? His ''phylosophical investigation'' . In ''there'' he made

10000 phylosophical remarsk while in my opinion is  that an normal

person can rememer, say, 10. I also got some support from ''particle

physics'' .

Now according to Raul the main target of this forum is that teach memeber

can learn to improve listening experience.

So I thought about thiose numbers and  was able to see his numbers of post: 12307. 

But this is even more than the, say, modest 10000 by


'deviant' (being different from an expected normal).

The OP's First Statement

"My observation however is that also ''deviant'' cantilevers which nobody would buy look STRAIGHT IN DE GROOVE. Ergo:: it is

the groove which determine cantilevet/stylus position .?"

Does not the suggestion put the notion in place that the 'deviant' aspect is quite noticeable and certainly not subtle, especially as the term "nobody would buy" is used to help describe what is being observed.

Does not the opinion formed "which nobody would buy", lean toward the notion, that this is a recollection of a experience encountered, maybe as a result of being involved in confrontation's on such a subject as a result of being a Vendor. 

As said, my focus has been on the 'deviant' reference, and there in my thought is plenty to suggest 'deviant' and 'askew' are close in description.

The OP then later states

"People start with some assertion believen it to be true and act in accordingly  with their assertion. My was that any deviation from  straight meant defective cantikever".

At no time has it been presented that the 'deviant' has been referencing a 'deviation from straight' as being the witnessed form of the cantilever.

To cover this as an potential meaning to the vague description being offered. It has been  suggested that a "deviation from straight", has meant a defective alignment that is noticeable on the cantilever, which is assumed to be a sideways movement, as this is the one that is most likely to be perceived as a self corrected condition when the Styli is placed in the Groove.

The eye will have a harder time detecting a Vertical movement on something that is already set quite different to the horizontal position, especially to a degree that is only slight in its movement from the optimised position.

A collapsed cantilever will be the most obvious when assessing the horizontal positioning and again the placing of the Styli in the Groove is not going to offer anything to suggest this condition has corrected itself.

There is references made to the likelihood of a Mineral Based Cantilever is not commonly seen showing a curve/arch in its form, along with the suggestion a curve /arch is a possible condition to be discovered in a Metal Cantilever.

Neither a Curve or Arch to a metal material cantilevers form is going to be appearing corrected when the Styli is set in the Groove.  

There has been suggestion that the 'deviation' being referred  to is noticeable and one that would be so noticeable, that it has the potential to create a situation where a Vendor would be met with a Customer that would not be willing to purchase, as a result of witnessing a cantilevers obvious 'deviation'.

The referencing the idea the knowledgeable Customer has expressed a cautiousness to continue with a sale, as a result of the likelihood, the cause of cantilever 'deviation' is from a loss of a optimised set up at other interfaces the assembly has and which the cantilever is dependent on for its own optimised function.

I have chosen to use the term 'askew cantilever' (to one side - out of line) for being the indicator other concerning conditions are likely to be present.

As said, the simple evaluation is that, other costs are likely to be incurred as a means to have the parts within the assembly investigated for how they are impacting on the alignment of the Cantilever. There is projected cost to achieve a Cart' that is once more set up as optimised and enables the cantilever to have a operational envelope, that is suited to the design. The askew cantilever is a indicator that there is a secondary requirement  post sale, creating a road a customer is potentially not wanting to inherit as part of the journey to acquire a particular model of Cartridge.

From a personal standpoint, I do not fear buying a Cart' with an obvious fault, I do my due diligence put into practice and the forming an evaluation after having consultations, leaves me with a clear understanding of what I am about to put in place. I accept my ambitions for a faulty Cart' are with risks associated. I am also fully aware of the idea, the ambition may not be fruitful and ultimately be a waste of some of my monies. I also accept the idea, I am purchasing in a way that demands other monies are required to be spent to receive a appraisal and penultimately, the being informed the Donor is a satisfactory candidate for further works to be undertaken.

There is also in present markets, very few reasonable priced faulty Cart's from certain Brands Models. The very attractive trade in deals on offer for exchange models has made the donor model prices become more elevated, it does seem the influence on the price hike, is that models of interest are now being scooped up by individuals looking to buy into a Brands Cart' using a bought in faulty older model as the method using the Brands exchange policy.