Which to Upgrade first? My Amplifier or Speakers?

I have owned a nice system for years, but I am hardly an audiophile. You people impress me with your depth of knowledge of audio. I've been following this site for some time. This is my first post.
From time to time I replace or upgrade components. I've got a tricked out Linn Sondek LP 12 turntable. I recently acquired a McIntosh MP 100 phono amp and am hearing LP's now that exceed anything I've heard on CD's and equal if not exceed the output of my SACD's. I bring this up only to give a flavor of what I listen to.
The issue is as follows: I have a McIntosh MC 206 Amp that I bought in 2003 that puts out 200 watts per channel. I have no issues with it, although I've never had anything to compare it with. I've read some impressive reviews of how much of a difference an amplifier can make to the quality of sound output. For speakers I have Magnepan 3.6R's that I also bought in 2003. I love them. I can only afford to upgrade one at a time - let's say in the neighborhood of 10 - 12K. So, I'd like to hear what this august body has to say about which I should upgrade first and why? The amp or the speakers? Thank you.

The first frequency to drop out with volume is bass response.  Consider buying 2 REL SHO’s.  They will create a wider sound stag.  They will also allow you to hear bass at lower volumes.  REL’s high level connection also helps the subwoofers to play like woofers.  The volume needs to be about 40% and the crossovers set at right frequencies.  I think most people play subs way to loud.  This is also why playing two is better than one.  Pushing air more evenly and balanced really improves sound.  I am not a big fan of Maggie’s.  I hope you listened to other speakers as well.  It is all about what sounds best to you.  Good tweeters can also bring out more detail.  Most of us also have hearing loss in higher frequencies.


there are really knowledgeable people in this group.  A great place to get ideas.

"Good tweeters can also bring out more detail.  Most of us also have hearing loss in higher frequencies."

 I have come to the conclusion that until your HF is right the whole spectrum of sound you hear will be off. I don't know how it works but the right HF gets you better bass, snappier drums and percussion even below the crossover point. HF does magic to the whole speaker and until you hear it the first time you have no idea that was what was missing in most setups I have heard.

if separation between instrument lacking just upgrade speaker if not upgrade amplifier  ,,  easy as a . . . .

Before you make huge expenses which could have sideways results:

First, do you have a dedicated line (I do), proper power line conditioner (my CorePower 1800 is great) and then there's power cords which can make or break your experience


Why not both at the time time and be done with it?

Do the same as so many pro studios and go ATC active.