WhestTHREE signature phono pre vs. ModWright PH 9.0X

I've mostly got my phono preamp upgrade down to a shortlist shootout choice between the WhestTHREE and the ModWright PH 9.0X. They're pretty much at the same price point (the MW is ~$300 more than the whest, give or take). 

What I listen to mostly: Jazz & Jazz Fusion primarily (I do have things from many other genres, but want to tune my system to Jazz since that's 95% of my listening on vinyl).

What I like: wide soundstage, incredible mid-range, detail, some warmth

What I don't like: clinical! 


There are a lot of passionate Whest owners out there all over forums raving about them, but I've also seen people mention that they can be a little on the clinical side. 

The modwright has less hands-on info out there that I could find, but the few things I could find review it very highly. 

If owners of either could comment on their experience and some objective pros / cons of either, it would be helpful! 


I did have someone recommend the Gold note PH10 to me some time ago, and while it is at a lower price point, I've seen a lot of mixed reviews. 



      You asked a simple question about 2 products. in typical Agon fashion all you will get is suggestions to buy whatever the poster owns.... good luck.

I think he was looking for some honest feedback about any of the products he mentioned or that fit the sound signature he outlined in his post.  @winoguy17 why do you go out of your way to stoke division?

I demo’d a Whest THREE about 7-8 years ago. It sounded fantastic. It was dynamic, quiet and very open. My issue at the time was owning a Lyra Delos. The two combined to just have too much high frequency energy. So I sent it back. Later realizing it was the Delos that threw off my system balance. So I sold that cart. Now I regret ever sending thee Whest back. But I do love my Pass Labs Xp-17 as well. Would be curious how those two compare.


Thank you…some folks just feel compelled to post. My recommendation was based on OP’s preference for, 

“What I like: wide soundstage, incredible mid-range, detail, some warmth”.  

And Konus delivers on all of the above in spades. 

@lalitk Exactly!  One of the wonderful things about a forum like this is that another audiophile may recommend a product that is entirely appropriate but not on the OP's radar.  That's how we learn!

When I was researching phono stages a few months ago, I had never even heard of the brand Aesthetix until it was brought to my attention in a forum.  I do agree that posts can often have unrelated tangents but all of the replies above are well within the original topic and specific to the OP's request for feedback.