Demise of bass quality in Main speakers

When I was shopping for new speakers in addition it became quite clear that modern day main speakers are being made with smaller bass drivers. And to get larger bass drivers you have to go up to alot more expensive models and still they or on the small side.

The Industry came up with a solution for bass challenged main speakers - buy two subwoofers to solve the problems of the modern age main speaker. And subwoofers now being sold in pairs have 8 inch or 10 inch driver sizes, which are still not big enough unless you spend a lot more money.

I bought a subwoofer with a 12 inch driver 20 years ago, thankfully. When I looked at the newer subwoofers the speaker manufacturer told me that he gets many comments stating that the fullness and rumble ability of modern day subwoofers have been substantially diminished, and he agreed. Isn’t this what subwoofers are all about. Why would I need a subwoofer for better define the lower base area. Fortunately I bought very nice main speakers which had a range spec down to 20 Hz and the bass driver size is 8 inches but I had to pay more to get this larger size.

Why do people put up with this? Put larger bass drivers in Main speakers and then you won’t have as many people complaining about Poor bass quality. Doesn’t this make sense?


I’m of the opinion that sub(s) should not be audible themselves in the room rather they mesh with the mains to create a single sound. The reason I added a REL to my system was a search for increased fullness in the music. The primary benefit I actually received, and was not expecting, was how great my system now sounds at low / lower listening levels. My ears thank me everyday.


Maybe bass from your main speakers was enhanced by the subs.  I contend main speakers often struggle with bass Quality due to smaller drivers and cabinets. Subwoofers are now being used to correct all this.

Your initial comment about fullness at lower end are what subwoofers are all about and the new subwoofers tend to lack fullness because they also have smaller driver sizes.


I find that a pair of 25 Hz quarter wave folded corner horns driven by good quality 15 inch woofers serve my modest needs for bass.  These handsome teak veneered Bill Fitzmaurice designed subs have an output at 25 Hz that is identical to the 1 kHz reference tone in my DEQX DSP equalized and controlled system.  The only possible downside is that they are 18 cubic feet each.  Horn bass is the best bass.