did any of you listen to either of PS Audios new speakers at the show? What’d you think? 

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The speakers have changed much since the first design on display at axpona b4 covid. A case of function follows form?

I liked them. I would need to hear them in a quiet room to make any grand statement about them.

I heard them both at AXPONA. Stopped by all three days. As should be no surprise they both sounded their best on Sunday. Since PS Audio had a fixed playlist for most of the time each day, I got to hear a number of the same tunes on both speakers. I thought they both sounded quite good by Sunday (with the usual ‘under show conditions’ caveat), although I preferred the FR-20. To me it sounded a bit more linear. Could have been that the ‘30 was just too much for the way the whole thing was set up.

I purchased the FR-20s and upgraded my electronics.  New PS Audio DAC, airLens, and for the first time, a preamp. This is my final destination system. Amazing, emotionally involving system.  Tight bass, extraordinary midrange and top end, and great soundstage.

Show conditions for manufactures are very difficult. It is a great start, but the improvement of a system you heard at AXPONA when properly set up in your home is very different.