Musical Fidelity m2si or Parasound Newclassic 200 for Dynaudio Emit 20's

Considering both of these amps for my new Dynaudio Emit 20’s.  I am also intrigued by Peachtree Nova 150.   Any input would be greatly appreciated from those that have owned or had experience with either of these integrated amps. Thank you in advance.


Both are good amps. I have the MF M2si, good for Emit 20s, lots of muscle. 

I went through a similar choice a couple months ago. I bought a Parasound P6 to go with my A21 and I thought I would be happy. Wrong. The P6 went back within 48 hours and I tried the MF M6S Pre instead. Now I couldn’t be happier. The P6 had all the features, but the M6S has the analog circuitry that makes for great sound. I would bet on the MF.

Keep saving until you can get into the $1000-1500 range where there are much better options.  Find a used Linn Classik to hold you over for a few hundred dollars.  Great match with Dynaudio and provides a taste of higher end gear . The other two are kinda pricey for mid-fi gear you'll probably end up upgrading pretty quickly.