Recommendation for Repair Service for Dodd Audio Battery Preamp

My Dodd Audio Battery Preamp has developed static/hiss/vibration which is unlistenable.. Odd, but standard 6922 tubes sound soft while higher quality RAM 6922 sounds louder and worse. I need a service/repair business that is familiar with this unit. I am in Atlanta, and so I'd like service in GA or neighboring states of NC, SC, AL, TN or northern FL, if possible.

Thank you all in advance...

Ag insider logo xs@2xcondosound

The counsel from aniwolfe is the best possible.   

By the way, if you do get it fixed, I strongly recommend that you follow my counsel presented here:

It's worth doing everything possible to fix it.

Good Luck!

Thank you aniwolfe and xenolith. I have a pair of NX-Oticas and a GR Research dual subwoofer which I built and I love. I've sent an email request for advice to Danny, and waiting for a reply (very busy guy, I think).

Also, the mini-lithium batteries, what a great thing to know !, and so much better than adding an  external 24VDC supply. Now the next items on my list after preamp repair.

Thanks guys!

@condosound - what ended up happening here? What was the cause of the issue? I have a unit with those exact issues and would love to hear your update.