Who else can't sleep the night before their fancy new gears arrive?

I have a BMC Ultradac arriving tomorrow and knowing me, I'll be awake all night. I'll be lucky if I get 3 hrs of sleep. 


@roxy54     Sorry, I'm certainly not intending to be obtuse but it's an important point I am trying to make.  I am not trying to quantify anything.

If you refer to my contributions to the current string about the poll on sound perception of changes in power cords, it may become clearer.  In that debate the question is whether people hear such changes.  I am pointing out that any change in the sound caused by changes of power cords will emerge from the speakers.  But what we receive from our hearing is not the same as what emerges from the speakers.  It is that, plus the changes made by our conscious and sub-conscious brain input.  Such changes are caused by all sorts of factors, but mainly centering around mood, in its widest connotation.  In the same way we do not experience exactly the same taste from the same food and wine every time we consume it.  Sometimes it tastes better than usual and sometimes duller.  You might suggest that bottles of wine that are adjacent in the case can vary (not by simple being faulty) and indeed they can (especially pinot noir), but the changes we perceive go a long way beyond that.  Sometimes a scene in a film or play (or a piece of music for that matter) may make us cry.  But another time it won't.  But what was on the screen or the speakers is just the same.


I understand what you're saying in the context of that thread, but this one is about the emotion of joyful anticipation, and in that context I don't understand your original comment.

@roxy54   I'm saying the same thing in both places.  But I agree it's more to the point in the other thread.

Joyful anticipation is a worthwhile experience by itself, but necessarily ends on connecting the new equipment (as it's no longer anticipation).  If this thread ends at that point then there is nothing else to say, save of course that when the new piece was demmed my previous comments apply.

In 2017, I waited 6 months for my speakers to be delivered. During that time, at least 2-3 times a week I could not stop thinking about them and could not sleep. As it got  closer and closer to my delivery date, I couldn’t get a decent nights sleep. I guess it goes with the territory.

I've been waiting for my repaired sub-woofer for over a week. It looks like it started out with the wrong address and now Fed Ex can't seem to find it.

Every day I get an email that it will be delivered but it never does. I and the shipper have called Fed Ex daily.

I know it's because of Covid...
