Goodbye Everyone

Rather than just disappear, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who gave me help, taught me stuff, the many friendly members.



Photo forums can be as touchy as hi-fi forums. I have pretty much stuck with film as I have the skills and like to keep them alive. While I have sold all my Leicas, I do still visit a film thread on a big Leica forum, where any kind of film photo from any kind of camera can be posted. Funny thing is, it remains one of the most active and longest lasting threads in the whole site - 4,000 pages over ten years.

Film cameras, vinyl records, tube amps, steam locos, and black powder muzzleloaders all get me going. I seem to have been born in the wrong era!

Glad to hear you'll be staying around.

You will be missed. I for one enjoyed your contributions.  Wish you only the best 

I will just say that when I see your name pop up there's the comfort of knowing a balanced and informative post is to follow. Best of luck.


241 posts

"I have pretty much stuck with film.

Film cameras, vinyl records, tube amps, steam locos, and black powder muzzleloaders all get me going. I seem to have been born in the wrong era!"


r2r tapes; vinyl (recently inherited 4000 lps had 2500); lot o cds; tt with 3 tonearms; vintage: tube tuner/preamp/amp

vintage speakers

Not the wrong era, just old enough to know how good the vintage equip/technologies were in those eras.

@smerk  It is male posturing. Even us old guy still stand up the fur on occasion. It is also a sign that we are passionate about this subject. Arguing about it is fine, attacking others is not. I have a tendency to strike back when I am attacked but I am getting better at controlling it.

@elliottbnewcombjr I am sure many view me as a stuck record, some think I preach. So, I decided to wear a black robe when online. Might as well play the part. As a voice of sanity, sorry to see you dismiss yourself.