Goodbye Everyone

Rather than just disappear, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who gave me help, taught me stuff, the many friendly members.



Showing 7 responses by dogberry

Best of luck, Elliott! I too loathe hospitals, which is ironic. A necessary evil.

I was assuming I could get off a few meds. Nope, they are gonna add more, all heart meds are for life.

If you have AF, be a little wary about the new anticoagulants. My own lawyer, who was my patient, had a mitral valve replacement, and chose to swap to one of the new anticoagulants (Pradax) simply so he would not have to have an INR once a month and have me call him to adjust his warfarin dose. He enjoyed that convenience for 18 months before he had a massive stroke and died. What a waste.

@lewm I haven't kept up with it, being retired now, but I think Pradax is C/I in patients with prosthetic valves, but not in patients with AF (at least not here).

Photo forums can be as touchy as hi-fi forums. I have pretty much stuck with film as I have the skills and like to keep them alive. While I have sold all my Leicas, I do still visit a film thread on a big Leica forum, where any kind of film photo from any kind of camera can be posted. Funny thing is, it remains one of the most active and longest lasting threads in the whole site - 4,000 pages over ten years.

Film cameras, vinyl records, tube amps, steam locos, and black powder muzzleloaders all get me going. I seem to have been born in the wrong era!

Glad to hear you'll be staying around.

I'm yapping away again, (now an obligation) until my buttt hurts, then down to listen to some music.

Does having three 't's in your butt improve the soundstage, as it were?

Come on, the results of this horse race were announced long ago in this post.

Now if you really want an enjoyable bet, try this one: will I ever comment in a thread about cables or power conditioners again at SHF? The going is wet, the jockey is experienced, the rest of the field are all fillies and there is no prize at stake.

I've always sold camera gear via ads on photo forums, or in the case of my serial Leica infatuations, back to the dealer just for convenience. Audio stuff I have given away, probably stupidly.