Salk vs Daedalus Speakers

I am considering the Salk ss8 vs the Daedalus Audio Ulysses 2.
For power I would be using Audiovalve challenger 180 amps during the winter and Jeff Roland model 6 amps for summertime listening.
I listen to all types of music except rap; but mostly jazz, choir with organ, acoustic, classical and classic rock for when Pink Floyd comes around.
It seems both of these speakers get very high marks but I would like to hear from people who have had experiences with either.Regards in advance
FWIW I have heard both at shows and Daedalus is on my list of speakers I think I could live with whereas the book is still out on Salk.
As always good advice from Al. I listened to Salk and Daedalus at RMAF last year. I specifically wanted to hear the SS8s and wanted to like them but they didn't do it for me. I much preferred the Daedalus. It was then my wife and I realized we had to "up the budget" so to speak. We ended up with Vapor Joule Black (my build was shown at RMAF this year)but I could have easily lived with the Daedalus.


Send me a private email. I have the Salk SS8's paired with a JRDG Continuum S2.


Hopefully Audiotomb will see this post. He is moving from the Salks (the 8s I believe) to Daedalus after months and months of what have proven to be insurmountable problems with his Salks. BTW, this is his second pair of Salks.

I would prefer to let him chime in, if he so desires, to provide any further details.

I am not sure if he has actually received his new speakers from Hinckley(?) yet.
I concur with most of the posts regarding the Daedalus. I have DA-RMA V2s, very similar to the Athena v2. All the Daedalus sound very similar, but the Ulysses sounds larger than the others, as it is, of course.
In addition to the sensitivity, dynamics, imaging, balance and detail, all of which are extraordinary, there is something else which I'm still struggling to understand, and that is the sense of musical realism. Simply put, music sounds less like recordings and more like live music.
It is not euphonic coloration (there is none that I hear), it is something else. Read the show reviews. Phrases like tonality are thrown around a lot, but the end result is they make you want to keep listening to them, just to enjoy the wonder and beauty of the musical performances laid out before you.
I've been in this hobby for 46 years, and have owned about 250 pairs of quality speakers, and these are the end of the road for me. The heirloom quality handmade hardwood cabinets are part of the sonic story, of course, and to me also set them apart from other me-too designs.
Most Daedalus owners feel the same way about them, and rarely let them go.
Good luck!