Is Bob Weir Redefining State of the Art Recording?

Never heard better live recording or better studio for that matter.Anyone know who's behind the brilliance?
@jsalerno277 thanks for your input! I'll be sure to have a listen. Figured there was some studio wizardry going on there. It doesn't sound like a live recording.

@jsalerno277 “However, I hear the thickness of studio processing.” 
Yep. I heard or read somewhere that this release has quite a lot of work done to it in the studio, even re-recording some vocals, etc… 

@jsalerno277 I found that Katja Werker a few weeks ago. Great recording. 

I listened to that Vol 2 album Friday night figuring that's what OP was talking about. Sounds great but overly polished. That's the way Bobby likes it and, unfortunately, that's the way he has Dead & Co sound being done. I saw them at Red Rocks in 2021 and was so underwhelmed by the sound that I have little interest in seeing another show there. Maybe it was just the way they wanted it to sound as I've never seen anyone else there.

Agreed. Katja is  overly polished; however, a different genera and recording venue.  The reference was provided simply as an example of what is technically feasible in live production.  The reference to Young is a better example for the genera and venue of the clarity possible when a live performance is not overly processed in the studio.  So let’s stay with Dead examples.  Wake Up to Find Out, while it has its own production issues is not as overly processed.  It has better high end extension, clarity, less grunge in spaces between instruments, and better imaging.  Colorado wins on dynamic contrast.  From an artistic perspective, simply compare Eyes of the World on both albums.  The solo runs on Colorado simply, sans Jerry may he rest, do not compare…and the electric exchanges between Branford and Jerry on Wake Up win 4.5 finders down.  I was at that concert.  I just think Colorado plays like a good studio recording facsimile of a Dead concert rather than other live recordings (Skull, Europe) available to my ears and old/burnt out memory.   With respect.  This is a subjective hobby.  To each our own ear-brain connection