Puritan 156 Power Cord

I like the Puritan 156 a lot and wondered if any users have tried cords other than the Puritan models to feed it? Anyone done any experimenting and have opinions?


Chris is building a 20A cord for my Puritan PSM 156.  Furutech DPS 4.1 cord stock, with Fl-50 MNCF and FI-52 NCF connectors.  His picks after I stated my desire for a no-holds-barred cable.  We'll see how it goes.   Should be epic.

Excellent suggestions! I have a friend who is a big fan the Furutech DPS 4.1, which he prefers to the Audioquest Dragon. Please let us know how that works on the Puritan PSM 156.

One thing I do know is the stock entry level cable supplied is not very good. I had Bob Grost  ( Cerious) make one for me and it was a huge upgrade. 

Well, it's here.  The Chris Romeo built Furutech DPS 4.1 with matching Furutech connectors referenced above and it's freaky good.  It replaces the stock Puritan PSM 156 cable.  The performance annihilates the stock cable in all facets of speed, dynamics, soundstage and blackness.

Frankly, I was expecting better, but not to this magnitude.  As I peer down the rabbit hole, I'm considering the insanity of replacing my entire Zavfino Prima loom.  Make it STOP!  Huey Lewis was right, "I Need a New Drug".

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