We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often

Sorry I know this is a bit of a rant, but come on people!!

Too many audiophiles find speakers which are hard to drive and... stick with them!

We need to reject hard-to-drive speakers as being Hi-Fi. Too many of us want our speakers to be as demanding as we are with a glass of wine. "Oh, this speaker sounds great with any amplifier, but this one needs amps that weigh more than my car, so these speakers MUST sound better..."

Speakers which may be discerning of amplifier current delivery are not necessarily any good at all at playing actual music. 

That is all.


Geez @mrdecibel, my post above (or at least it’s last sentence) WAS offered in the spirit of lightening up. Too subtle?

I can't believe I am asking this question: Do you actually take @kenjit seriously?!

@bdp24 I have no idea what was said by kenjit, as I pass him over when reading. My point was, there is no ONE speaker for all of us, let alone a perfect one. Sorry if I was vague in my communication of that point. 

My point was, there is no ONE speaker for all of us, let alone a perfect one. 

WRONG. Of course there is a perfect one. Why shouldn't there be? The perfect speaker is by definition one that satisfies all of us. We must stop creating imperfect speakers and start aiming for perfection. Also perfect speakers require perfect audiophiles. Some audiophiles dont WANT perfection. That is a completely different issue. I am one of the finest tuners in the industry. I have never met anybody who is as obsessed.

Post removed 

“I’d also like to point out that there’s a sub-thread here about high efficiency speakers which is not mine, I take no responsibility for those statements regarding efficiency vs. sound quality.”

@erik_squires  With your post headline I’m not sure how you would expect anything else here on Audiogon. We’re a subjective bunch, often ignoring objective facts about “why we should reject hard to drive speakers more often “

Perhaps “bragging rights” with cost or watts?

Nothing is more disappointing than too spend a small fortune on “hard to drive speakers” and mega watt amps only to come away disappointed or longing for something that seems missing.

So getting back to my point (or highjacking). Personally, trying to use and/or enjoy “hard to drive speakers” repeatedly has been a

“The Emporers new clothes”  thing.