Absorption, Diffusion or a combination of it all?

Looking to add more acoustic treatment on the wall behind the speakers. Currently using GIK absorption panels (242). 
Planning to add two more panels that would hang pretty much directly behind the speakers on the upper part of the wall (higher quality image on my system page). 
Any benefit going with diffusors?



IDK who Paul McGowan is, but does he have any science to back up his claims about sounds arriving "too quickly" for your brain to sort them out?  

Also, do you have any evidence that can be replicated that softer wood absorbs more sound than harder does? If that's accurate (and it's not) what happens to the softer wood after is absorbs all the sound it can hold? Does it explode? Does sound start leaking out? And if it's saturated with sound, wouldn't it then be unable to absorb more sound and revert to the hardest wood ever grown? 🙄

Or, don't bother with either and simply enjoy music with a bit of room sound.

Thanks Kota1. That was a great video. It's over an hour and I watched the full thing while picking out pearls of wisdom that may improve my own setup. Thanks Anthony and Audiohaulics for the video too.


After watching that video I moved the treatments I already had to the suggested locations, wow! I previously had absorption on the front wall in addition to those bass traps in the corners (pics in my  profile). I replaced the absorption panels with two combo panels and big difference. 
Then I followed the rest of the "recipe" interleafing absorbers and diffusors, etc. I bought most of my treatments through auralex and found great results at reasonbale prices, especially the diffusors. If I were starting from scratch I would just get a room kit from anthony's company, www.sonitususa.com.