Stereo or monoblocks

I recently bought a pair of the JBL HDI-3800 speakers. I also own a McIntosh C-2300 preamp. Should I buy a used McIntosh mc402 stereo power amp or try to find a pair of a different brands monoblocks? The new Schiit Tyr has my interest.


@unreceivedogma Good point. I have mine underneath (ESL57) or beside (Spendor) my speakers with 24" or 30" of speaker wire.



Yes… locating monoblocks within a foot or two (and shortening the cable) is supposed to make a big difference. A friend / dealer has done this repeatedly to good effect. Unfortunately, I have not… the interconnect / speaker cable cost is way too high for me to do as an experiment.

I don't know for certain, but if someone would send me a pair of ARC 750 monos, I will be pleased to compare them to my current stereo amp.  Message me for my address...



I simply don't have room for a stereo amp in my main system, so monoblocks are a must.  They sit behind my speakers, and yes, I've been able to use very short speaker cables.  Of course, your interconnects between the preamp and amp will be longer, but if everything is fully balanced, that probably won't matter.  

Typically, a stereo amp is going to cost less than the equivalent monoblocks and will take up less space.

For me, the decision had more to do with my available space than any sound quality or performance issues. 

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the input. I still haven’t decided yet, Im taking my time. I doubt I’d ever get to listen to them before purchasing. I like the mc402 because it’d match the c-2300. I could get one used around $4500. However it is big and heavy. Im very interested in the Schiit Tyr because of the great reviews I’ve seen so far. It’s also two smaller/lighter units which is easier to place in rack, plus I’m curious about the mono sound (imaging etc.). They’re also a little cheaper and brand new. I wish I could test them side by side. Once again think you all for your opinions……..keep ‘em coming.