Unexpected issues with Rega planar TT, a respectful manufacturer product?

About a year ago I bough a Rega planar 2 turntable. I do not play much LPs, I bought it just for a few LPs I have. It should have around 20 hours of burn-in now. It turned out that a more than $600 unit has  a 1-dollar phono cable incorporated into it (which, by some reason is called a "premium" one). In fact, I did not see an RCA cable that bad even with cheap equipment. Well, not really nice but this was not yet fatal. A few weeks ago,  my attempt to use the TT has failed. One of the channels did not work, and after a few tests it was clear that it is TT, one of the RCA terminals. There was no force made on it or something similar.

Surprisingly, i did not find a technical support option on the Rega web page, they merely send you to their dealers. I have contacted the local Rega dealer and the answer was that they can check replace the cable at a some cost (whereas supposedly, it has a "life-time warranty" and it is a practically new unit). My question was, if they have some instructions to replace their "premium" built-in RCA cable, that I could follow for the replacement. Since then, there was no answer. I also contacted the US/International Rega dealer with whom I bough the TT, still no answer. 

In addition, the TT has another problem, just from the beginning. Normally, when it is powered on, the plate moves to the opposite direction. After several  (identical) attempts (on/off), it may finally choose the right direction. This is of course quite bothering but i did not try to clarify this issue before since i do not use the TT often. 

Normally I try to avoid complains but i think that this case is "quite special".


According to my understanding, Rega just cloned the Audio Technica cartridge and is selling them three times more expensive with an attractive carbon name. The particular Rega carbon cartridge i have is close to defective, although I was able to correct the position of the right end of the needle, this was at the cost of disbalancing the position of the needle itself towards the platter, it is not now strictly horizontal (i was afraid to force it too mach not to break it). 

Goldring can be a better cartridge but I am not sure if there will be a tangible difference for most of my LP s which recording quality is not very good (there are a few really well recorded LP s from more than handed LP s i have currently; even jazz sounds better on CD s in my system - i did a careful comparison of a few of them, just recent comparison i did on the modern jazz quarter blues on Bach). For me,  in digital, DAC/CD player is important but more definitive is the recording quality itself. You spend thousands of dollars on a better DAC/transport and you get less improvement than between two well and not so well recorded CD s. I guess something similar happens with TT cartridges. 

@audphile1 , Time has passed since the last communication. Just a small question. You sad that you replaced the original carbon cartridge on Rega 2 with Goldring E3. I got some new LPs and thought that it may make sense to try a better cartridge. Are these two 100% compatible, i.e., is some adaptation required to replace one by the other? 


Just curious, did you use the Onzow stylus cleaner on your Rega cartridge that broke last year?

@drbond , no i didn't. The cartridge in fact was defective, the stylus was not in the symmetric position which was the main issue.  The stylus could not been dirty or something since I used it too little. I think that it's better to avoid any cleaners whenever this is possible. Do you use it?


No, I don’t use the Onzow stylus cleaner because I used it on my Rega MC cartridge regularly, and the left channel broke on that cartridge, with only 100 hours on it. I wasn’t sure if it was a manufacturer defect or as a consequence of using the stylus cleaner. I’m beginning to think that it was just a defective Rega MC cartridge, and had nothing to do with the cleaner.