We should reject hard-to-drive speakers more often

Sorry I know this is a bit of a rant, but come on people!!

Too many audiophiles find speakers which are hard to drive and... stick with them!

We need to reject hard-to-drive speakers as being Hi-Fi. Too many of us want our speakers to be as demanding as we are with a glass of wine. "Oh, this speaker sounds great with any amplifier, but this one needs amps that weigh more than my car, so these speakers MUST sound better..."

Speakers which may be discerning of amplifier current delivery are not necessarily any good at all at playing actual music. 

That is all.


While I don’t disagree but people want small speakers and deep bass so that in turn makes them hard to drive. They often wire multiple bass drivers in parallel  which drops the impedance too  

I have owned 86db speakers and 91db speakers and don’t notice much difference but use a pretty powerful amp at 450 watts a channel. I am in the camp of but the biggest speaker you can afford and bigger is always better lol. 

HTD speakers matter! Come on it’s 2023. I thought that we were supposed to get over this back in the 60s when we had all those speaker riots. 

I have never liked an efficient loudspeaker/set amp combo.

What is an efficient loudspeaker anyway? 100+db? 95+db? I’m not sure if I ever have had a speaker > 90db, but I have had some 85db stand mount speakers driven by 1000 watt monos that sounded fantastic, most of my speaker/amp combos were around 88db driven by 250-350 watt monoblocks

A good way to make any given loudspeaker an easier load is to remove the low frequencies from both it and the power amp driving them. Yes, a separate woofer/subwoofer for 80 or 100Hz down. Most of the power demands of many loudspeakers is used to reproduce low frequencies. Remove them from the loudspeaker and power amp and both will be happier, and sound better.  

I just want a loudspeaker that creates resonances within my abdominal cavity and may crack a window if not careful.. 

But I cannot afford most of those that cost what amounts to a decent down payment on a piece of property or a house.


There are just those days, and just those tracks, where I want to FEEL the music much more than I care about hearing.. fine detail that is.  ;-)

preamp active  crossover to powered subs and biamp loudspeakers, with some eq room and mood correction.. now to just not blow up the speakers I do have..