help me choose between Audionet and Constellation Audio

I am looking for help with my decision between Audionet and Constellation Audio. Both would be the entry level models. The Audionet amp 1 v2 and the Audionet pre G3. The Constellation would be the initiation series. Amp 1.0 and the pre 1.0. I am currently using Bat 51se pre and 75se amp with Totem Wind Design speakers. I am trying to get a little more detail without being harsh. Not sure how else I'd describe the sound I'm hoping to achieve.

thanks for the help.


@dpm2340 Choosing between the two will come down to your sonic preferences. From my experience, Audionet is exceptional every step of the way, but it prioritizes a rich tonal density and balance (that many electronics manufacturers can only dream of achieving) over microdynamics and detail. Perhaps a better way to express it is that Audionet has no shame in delivering a refined sound. Constellation by contrast tends to come off more dynamic and will likely be faster on the transients, but at the expense of falling short to the soul that the Audionet Amp V2 can deliver. Of course, the higher up you go with Audionet, the control and microdynamics only continues to improve.

I’ve read a few reviews and posts in the past that communicate the Constellation Inspiration Stereo amp is not great with macro dynamics and bass. I would say no Audionet units are ever incapable of delivering those.

It’s not to say that Audionet doesn’t deliver detail, it’s just very different in presentation. And how either perform will come down to the rest of the synergy in the room.

To my ears Audionet is extremely fast and dynamic, with exceptional detail, yet not fatiguing.  Fast is a word my friend and I often say...yet easy. N0t dry or analytical, yet very resolving.

thanks. i have also thought about keeping the bat pre. starting at the introductory  level on the audionet amp 1 v2 i was curious if it is any good. one thing i see is to get the next step pre is a little salty. is antbody using the v2 amp with a different manufacturer preamp.

This is not exactly what you asked, but if you had to pick Audionet amp(s) vs preamp, I would pick the amp(s).