Fee for home audition

I am in the market for a music server/streamer. I was discussing with one of the authorized dealers for a streamer. He had a demo unit and was willing to bring to my home for an hour and let me try. He is located around 10-15 minutes from my home. He wants to charge 5% for home demo. Is this the industry standard? I am not meaning to disparage anyone so not going to name the dealer. I am just trying to see what the standard practice is. 


An hour?  That’s ridiculous.  Many dealers will loan out a model on a day when they’re closed, and I’ve never paid a fee.  I’d reject this dealer on principle alone. 

I've never paid a fee for a home audition. I tend to have a relationship with the few dealers I use, and that may make a difference.

Can you even imagine a guy selling a TV bringing it out to your home for a quick look? 

my closest "friendly dealer lets it out Saturday afternoon and expects it back Monday morning. No charge, just a copy of the driver’s license. I couldn’t imagine it in many countries. You would be charged to listen to it in the store.

I do live in the East Coast. My long term dealer does not carry a lot of digital stuff. So I had to reach to this dealer for the specific streamer I was interested in. I offered to pick and drop off in an hour but he insisted on bringing it and taking back. I offered a hold on my credit card for full price if I can pick up but he refused.