Music for 2022- Is It Just Me Or?..

Hello All!

December is now here and I realize that I have not purchased as much music this year. Being a Redbook guy I normally buy an average of 150-200 titles a year. So far this year-30 (and it’s not for lack of looking). I’m getting another order ready and have only 25 titles that want to own so far.

So- I wanted to put this question out to the group to see if it’s just me thinking this or if others feel the same- 

Have you found 2022 do be a boring year when it comes to new and interesting music?

Not talking about reissued “one more for the road” stuff.




Will do. I’ll put a complete list of my buys for the year and send you a pm. I forward these off to others as well- just haven’t finished up yet.



How do you like the Pink Floyd "Animals" SACD?


Happy Listening!


I haven't bought too much music in 2022 because I'd gone a little crazy buying vinyl the previous two years.  I had to take a financial "break" from doing so, and I've been mostly catching up listening to the music I bought.

My purchases are picking up somewhat this year.  Gotta watch it...