Turntable channel imbalance

Hi there!

I’ve noticed that the left channel is a bit louder than the right when I play vinyl. This is the only source that has this issue. I have 2 carts and both exhibit the issue. With some records it is more noticeable than others tho.

Is there anything I can adjust?


 I have Technics SL-B20D P-mount. TIA



@leemaze Your TT has a fixed tracking force of 1.2 grams and the anti-skate is fixed to match the cartridge that came with the TT. The anti-skate is a fixed calibrated spring. It’s a plug and play TT. No adjustments.

Joe Nies

You wrote, "In this instance I referenced the digital copy in comparison."  Do you mean to say that you listened to the CD or streamed version of the same music, and it does not seem out of channel balance?  If so, that is not conclusive evidence you have a real problem in your vinyl system, because creating the digital version involved the imposition of more engineering at the other end.  Try the mono LP experiment anyway.

Thanks @joenies i figured as much. Was hoping there’d be a guide for hacking a p-mount deck. Maybe I should try un-balancing towards the right…

Fair, @lewm. On vacation currently but will reference a Mono LP and report back. I listened to the remastered CD version Of Zenyatta Mondatta in my most recent listening but I’ve noticed the left lean with many other of my records. 

@leemaze How many DB are you talking about? 1, 2 or 3 DB in channel imbalance? Does your balance control correct the imbalance? Hopefully it’s not more than 2 DB.

Please clarify for me, do you get an imbalance playing CD’s ? 
Difficult to analyze your problem from a distance.

Go thru all the suggestions one by one. Good luck, you’ll get there.

Joe Nies