Did vinyl sales just hit the proverbial brick wall?

Interesting read here about the state of vinyl. Personally, I had no idea what the percentage of vinyl sales was “merchandise” never to be opened or played.




@8th-note 1+ 

I have been collecting records since I was 4 years old. Happiness was getting a new record and the smell of a warmed up Zenith portable. It is part of what I am and I can not get rid of it. So, I will collect records for the duration and my wife will figure out what to do with them after.

@bdp24 Hey, I was a nut for collecting and riding racing bicycles until my advancing age and ever-diminishing physical abilities told me it was time to let it pass on. I still, though, get a kick out of riding the one racing bicycle I still have -- a Bianchi Infinito dressed with Campy Chorus components.

I’m with you mijostyn. It’s been that way ever since, as a very young child, playing over and over Mom’s three Rock n Roll singles, Bill Haley’s "See You Later Alligator", "Rock Around the Clock", and Little Richard’s ’Tutti Frutti". One of those might even have been a 78 rpm. This was back in the mid-fifties using our fold open record player.


@edcyn: I'm thinking about getting a good bike again. Last one I had was a Bottecchia, fully Campagnolo equipped, sew-up tires (never again!). My area has some real nice bike-riding streets.