Dual mono integrated amps

I’m curious about dual mono integrated amps and if they can approximate the benefits of monoblocks. I had the good fortune of trying a friend’s electronics which included a dual mono preamp driving a pair of monoblocks and the result was not subtle. There was an expanded soundstage with more solid imaging. Is this an effect that most of you experience when each channel has dedicated circuitry? Are there particular examples of integrated amps utilizing a dual mono design that do a particularly good job in this respect? Ones that don’t?

Thanks for the help


Thanks for the responses. It appears that Hegel uses 1 toroidal power supply for its dual mono design. Can anyone comment on this technique? Doesn’t this defeat the purpose?

The Circle Labs A200 which I, and some other members use, is a "true" dual-mono integrated, and it sounds terrific. It's a minimalist design, though, so may not suit everyone's needs.


Audience AU24SX

I used lower level Audience for ~10 years, and was very satisfied, then went through a relatively brief 'grass is greener' phase (tried a pair of Purist Audio design and a pair of Swisscables) before getting a good deal on the SX (formally top of the range), and returning to the fold.


The H390 and H590 have two transformers. The larger one is oversized ( Says Hegel). Is it better than Mono Blocks? For the money? Maybe. If you buy a preamp and two $2000 amps, a pair of interconnects and an two extra power cords, maybe.   I’ve had separates since the seventies and the H390 is my first integrated.  There’s Accuphase and Luxman you might look at as well.  All three are great and all three have a house sound. I went with Hegel, but I wished there was a Luxman dealer near me.😁