Problem with my Rose 150 b

I’m having a connectivity issue with my 150 and my iPad which I use to control the Rose. I can be playing music using the Rose App and just start losing the sound which is intermittent and comes and goes. I have the Rose connected to my AT&T router with an AQ pearl ethernet cable that is about 8’ long. I stream mainly Tidal although it happens when using Quobuz also. I have tried unplugging the 150 and restarting it also unplugging the router and rebooting it too. I haven’t reached out to Hifi Rose yet . Anyone have any thoughts. When this thing is working the sound is really nice. One other thing is that I have AT&T fiber which has 1000mbs speed.


The Rose Connect software that you use to run the RS150B, either from an Ipad, I Phone, Computer (Mac or PC) or Android tablet or phone. In the upper righthand corner of the applicatin (client), there is an icon that looks like a remote control (will have a green dot next to it if it is connected). If you touch the remote icon, you will come to the remote control page. In the middle of the page, it says your model name/unit name(in my case RS150B). and directly below that in the same text box is a volume slider with the mute button on the far right. If it is muted, that mute button will be highlighted golden brown.



I’m sure you have access to their webpage...

I’m using an ONTi Cat8 direct connection with no issues.  No longer using Roon. Qobuz direct sounds great.



So, I’ve got it working. Not sure what I did to get the sound back but it’s there. It was still dropping out though and I decided to try it on the Wi-Fi setting and magically it’s fixed. Don’t know if the sound is as good as it is through the Ethernet cable. I wonder if I have a defective cable? May try another one to see. Thanks for all the help. One thing about this whole thing is that I’m much more familiar with the Rose operating system.

Is this Rose not ready to play nice with Roon??


For the record my 150b works flawlessly with Roon. The connection is cat 7 not 8, through a 75~80' run if that helps with the OP's prb.

Good luck!
