Need advice for upgrading my analog setup


I got into records 2 years ago and have been using ProJect Carbon Debut Evo with a Sumiko Rainier cartridge. It has served me great as my first table and a way to see if I would enjoy playing records. Well I do enjoy records. And my dad gave me all of his records too (he's a CD guy but never abandoned his collection when vinyl fell out of vogue).

Anyway, I'm planning to upgrade my entire analog setup and I'm very much a buy once , cry once kind of person. I'm looking at a SOTA Sapphire, Origin Live Zephyr tonearm, and a Soundsmith Zephyr Mk.III cartridge. Is this a good combination? Are there any other combinations of gear in the $6k range I should consider? I try to buy American as much as I can. I've looked at VPI but I like the look of SOTA much more.

Oh and I'm using a Darlington Labs MP-7 phono preamp that I'm happy with and don't plan on replacing.

Thanks for reading and helping me out.


Your choices are excellent. I would also consider the upgrade of your phono stage also. Now do not forget to upgrade your cables to !! Good luck

I would not worry about the phono stage.

If it's no match for the new TT, you will start looking for one anyway.

How do you like the looks of the SOTA Sapphire?


OK ~ I’ll be that guy 😉

No disrespect intended, just an option for maximizing musical resolution, image bloom and all around enjoyment with inherent isolation much improved over your existing Pro-Ject.

If you’re married to the Darlington Labs MP-7 phono preamp (not knocking it!), I’d suggest the best Grado High Output pickup you could afford after acquiring a Technics 1200G. Toss the current tungsten polymer record mat from Luxman on it followed by your favorite records.

While not sexy by audiophile standards, it would serve up the goods and the Americans who import these Japanese products are great guys.

@needfreestuff is correct to mention phono cables 👍 lots of good inexpensive solutions (such as Mogami) on this forum.

Thank you all for the input! I really appreciate it.

@grislybutter - the looks of the Sapphire is what drew me to it. With the solid wood finish and its physical size and weight. I'm a fan on turntables that don't look like they belong in a laboratory or in a space shuttle.


@boothroyd - thank you for being that guy! I like to see what options are out there and I had not considered Technics deck or Grado carts.

I think you should stop and audition some alternatives. Vinyl can sound dull and lifeless or unbearably shrill, or full bass, or lush midrange, etc etc. Find out what you like and choose your cartridge accordingly. Just my $.02.

Good luck!