RME ADI-2 direct to amp

Hello all,

I am heavily considering one of these units as the reviews are great and I love the eq options. Anyone compared using the RME direct to amplifier vs via preamp to amp? In theory this should work out well but I tried this years ago with a Wyred4Sound unit and was not pleased with the outcome. Sounded hard and metallic. 

Go into the line out menu in section 19.1.   The menu's hierarchy is described in detail in sec 12.     Specifically  Line Output Reference level.   If you set it to " - 5 dB " this should help to get the volume above -30.  

Also try Auto Reference Level.   That setting uses relays to change the out put in the analog domain, using less " digital" volume.   You can hear the relays click as you go up and down the volume scale when engaged 

That setting may work better, try both...

A little advise, recommendation to improve LPS  further , put a decent power cord 

not too expensive like the Pangea sig , very easy to hear the improvements .

for sure upgrade the DC cable for stock , and upgrade the fuse is you choose .

i have done this on 2 LPS ,one a Teddy pardo I just received l and a Mojo audio .


Totally agree. I use a WyWires Silver Juice II Digital Series PC and a Synergistic Orange Fuse with great results. Made a nice difference, giving more openness and warmth, taking out the edge… what little edge there was.