Potential upgrade path…

My current system is:

Rogue st 100 dark amps (biamping 2)

Don Sachs 2 preamp

Aurender N10

Holo May KTE dac

Legacy Audio Signature SE speakers 

if you had $35k or so to upgrade what would you do?



It did not seem to make much difference to my ear. It’s possible I didn’t give it enough time though but I thought I did. I also got a bit of  blowback from my better half. So I probably gave up before testing to the utmost. 

I did add some panels behind speakers and spread the speakers a little farther apart. They are probably 15 to 18 inches farther apart than in my pic. 

Ozzy Certainly a dedicated room would be the ultimate. And in my current room I don’t think I can do much to improve what I’m getting. 

I have always believed that given what I know now is that I would rather have a top notch system in a large walk in closet than a big system in an big common area. But it can be a small system in a large area as well. 


Assuming you have no choice of location: there are additional corollaries. A carefully “right sized “ system placed in your venue could sound fantastic. So, if that is the space, much smaller speakers with a small sub and top quality electronics could be a fantastic system.


The advantage of a “smaller” system is that it can be higher quality components because less power and smaller speakers can be involved. We can talk about this more. But I would look at some really high quality stand mounted speakers… like Sonus Faber Olympica, and an Audio Reseach Vsi75 integrated amp. The Aurender N10 is great. You could go for a small subwoofer later.

Anyway, the point is carefully chosen and appropriately scaled and you can have a simply stunning system. The problem can be trying to put “big and powerful” stuff in an inappropriate setting. You want higher quality / appropriate sized equipment.

So sounds like your 35k would be better invested elsewhere. How about a super high end headphone rig?