Apollo/Saturn, Raysonic, or CEC... who wins?

The Rega Apollo/Saturn, Raysonic CD-128, and the CEC TL-51xr. For all types of redbook, which is the most emotionally involving player? And is there anything in the price range that beats it?
See my comments in the Cambridge 840C thread below for details, but I recently switched from a Saturn to a Sony 5400; I'm liking the extra detail I hear from the Sony a lot. Good luck.

If you get a Rega Saturn, have the laser replaced as it makes a nice improvement for some reason.  The CEC you refer to is an older model and if I am correct, you cannot find a replacement laser unless Audio Union knows where to find one.  I can use one if anyone knows where to get one.


Happy Listening.

Rega Apollo 2017 newest version cannot be beat. The recently lowered price to $695 new in box. I have never been so blown away by a single component. Paid $1095 for mine 2 years ago. Thought it was a fair price. They upped price to $1325 earlier this year before announcing retirement from CD players for now. Recently heard a hifi rose streamer playing redbook file and it sounded so lifeless! That streamer sells for $2450. The guys dac was $1900. Apollo blew it away. Go for it!