
Responses from walkenfan2013

HiFi Rose 250
@rkklein - I have used the rs250 before and I was amazed by how many glitches occurred in use. Rose OS is horrible. I have used rs250 & rs150 and they are plagued by inferior Rose software. At times, both units shut off for no reason and after... 
Perfectwave mkii or Rose RS250?
If you really want a true picture of using hifi rose rs250 on a daily basis, go to hifi rose site and find link to community page. There are hundreds of pages of various bugs and device failures users are looking to correct. Moderator is knowledge... 
Best digital format (non streaming)
Totally agree. Easy answer…  
Why are so many people spending so much money to build “perfect” streaming system?
I really know the hi res ability is there, but I really have not met anyone streaming 24/192 flac or any dsd. Well, if dsd had any relevant releases… Now MQA turned out to be a big fake. I also wonder if I would want all that content in one place.... 
Why are so many people spending so much money to build “perfect” streaming system?
I get the exposure to discover new bands. I just think it is so complicated and overpriced to need all that new equipment. I would love to set up an aurender n 20 through a denafrips ladder dac and add digital to digital converter! Would prob cost... 
Apollo/Saturn, Raysonic, or CEC... who wins?
I am sorry, I forgot about the Saturn &isis- way OOMPR. I know you can get new for$695. Try the music room. I bought the Apollo from them. They were reputable. If not there then us audio mart. Saw a nice used one for $550 somewhere… Think it w... 
Apollo/Saturn, Raysonic, or CEC... who wins?
Rega Apollo 2017 newest version cannot be beat. The recently lowered price to $695 new in box. I have never been so blown away by a single component. Paid $1095 for mine 2 years ago. Thought it was a fair price. They upped price to $1325 earlier t... 
Is it worth upgrading a CD player?
I is amazing to me how popular streaming is today. I have a very simple 2 source system. I have a Rega elex-r integrated all analog amp. I have a P3 modified with all 3 groovetracer upgrades and a Rega exact 2 mm cart. My other source is a 2017 Re...