Vinyl record cleaning

I watched a video of someone cleaning records in a dishwasher. I think it was a Maytag, I've heard they are very dependable. I have a lady Kenmore which was left behind when she moved out and took everything else. Anyone try this method? I will today, I have nothing better to do. 


I use a Record Doctor with Mofi Superwash.  The records sound about the same, but boy, do they shine!


They never let them get dirty...blow them off with dry nitrogen to remove any dust.



OP, sounds like she left the records and the stereo, what else do you want?

FWIW, I was gifted a VPI record cleaning machine, does an amazing job, even on bargain bin vinyl.

Carry-on, good sir.

@voodoolounge: don't believe everything you read on the internet or see on YouTube! The dishwasher Idea is just nuts! Experiment, if you must, but experiment with the records you don't care about and/or can easily be replaced. If money is the issue, buy a Spin-Clean or a Knosti.