Wireworld Electra 7

I have an opportunity to get a WW Electra 7 power cord, was thinking of trying it on my Dinafrips Venus II DAC. Anyone have these and how do they work for you? Thank you.




I will have an opportunity to connect my Silver Electra 7 after the Holidays.

I hope that yours has had time to settle into room/system.


Happy Listening!

Great cable choice, I have 10 silver Electra 7 power cables on 2 systems all with the reference ends, And I couldn't be happier. best cable I have auditioned . I also have a Saturn 103 C conditioner on each system with a 20 amp dedicated line, and a cardas 4181 outlet. The soundstage is beautiful, zero noise.


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@jafant @ryder

I got my Silver Electra yesterday and placed it on my DAC. I left it on overnight and gave a listen today. Quicker dynamics, more transparency so far. 20 hours on it, but its used so I don’t know how much time it will need. Treble extension seems improved as well.