CD Player - Dgital Out on Onkyo C-7030

Does anyone know if the spdif output on this CD player by-pass the internal dack on the player? I rarely use it, as the sound is poor compared to CD to Flac files downloaded on my hard drive. I am wondering if the purchase of a CD transport would improve the sound quality of playing CD's. Sometimes I just want to play a CD.


Digital is not like Analog, where paying more for better mechanical build quality gets you better sound. Bits are just bits, whether they come from an older CD player, DVD player or a new $1K transport. 

This is just patently absurd but sadly just par for the course with this guy/troll.

The coax output is digital (SPDIF) and doesn't pass through the internal  digital to analog conversion (DAC) of the player.

How do you play files off your computer. Does the computer have a DAC or do you have an external DAC?

If so are you saying that the Onkyo player doesn't sound as good as the computer when played thru the external DAC?

Thanks for the input, I run my hard drive off my music computor to a Gustard X26 Pro Dac, Audio Research LS 25 Line Preamp to Twin Aegir Mono Amps and finally Wilson Benesch Square 2 Speakers, and 2 REL T/X5 Subs. I am a little out of the loop when it comes to CD players and this coax output. It's a hold over from a previous system and I couldn't find anything online so I was curious. I have been looking at this large assortment of CD's and sometimes I just feel like putting one in and reading the lyrics or liner notes, just a little dissapointed with the coax out to my Gustard Dac. It sounds a little thin, like the body of some of the midrange has been removed. Treeble is also a little shrill. Wondering if spending up to $1,000 on a replacement CD player would help?

I use my computor USB and a Solid State hard drive to the Gustard Dac for most of my digital music, I also use this configuration for Music Streaming which I am trying out. Right now the USB from the computor playing flac CD files from the hard drive sound more fleshed out midrange wise, the treeble is also more realistic and less shrill. These are flac files ripped from my cd's and not cd files, which I realize should sound al little better. 

Sounds like you only occasionally listen to CDs?  If that’s the case you might try a Wyred4Sound Remedy Reclocker on sale for $319 to see if that provides a better result on the relative cheap and without having to buy a new transport.