CD Player - Dgital Out on Onkyo C-7030

Does anyone know if the spdif output on this CD player by-pass the internal dack on the player? I rarely use it, as the sound is poor compared to CD to Flac files downloaded on my hard drive. I am wondering if the purchase of a CD transport would improve the sound quality of playing CD's. Sometimes I just want to play a CD.


Showing 3 responses by mesch

The coax output is digital (SPDIF) and doesn't pass through the internal  digital to analog conversion (DAC) of the player.

How do you play files off your computer. Does the computer have a DAC or do you have an external DAC?

If so are you saying that the Onkyo player doesn't sound as good as the computer when played thru the external DAC?

I suspect ther problem lies with the transport section of the player. A reclocker may help. There are a couple of transports that sell for under 1K that may be the solution: Audiolab 6000, Cambridge CXC. Much on this forum regarding thes units.