What do you like and dislike about vintage Western Electric cables?

For those who have heard vintage western electric cables in their system what were the pros and cons in your opinion? This can pertain to speaker, interconnect or power cables. 


Thanks @mitch2 .
I am no expert no it, but did get some “equivilent” cotton covered wire which I need to terminate and install. (Both for speaker and IC)


We joke about having to wear gloves to handle the old WE wire, but caution is warranted. Some old wires were treated with arsenic to reduce damage from being eaten by vermin.

I always wondered how the mice did not attack them like a British car loom..

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I have used grey(10ga) & red(16ga) cloth WE wire purchased from tajacobs ebay seller as speaker wire and internal wire for a pair of speakers. I am looking at both right now and there is no PVC just cloth, cotton, and tinned wire. I am not sure what lengths you will need but it has become fairly hard to source recently.

I was told this is WE wire, its' properties are that its one of the two best speakers cables I've got. More of everything, soundstage, transparency, range...

WE Speaker cables 1

WE speaker cables 2