How long does it take to get a Lyra cartridge?

I ordered a Lyra Etna Lambda in March and still no word. I even said I'd take a more-expensive Atlas Lambda if one of those comes in, but no luck with that either. I do have a cartridge in place that still has some life in it, so not an urgent matter, but does anyone know what is going on?

They originally indicated 3-6 months and we're at 8 months now. From speaking to a few dealers, these apparently show up when they do without much warning, but seems like something isn't right. Are other people seeing this kind of delay? Thanks!


Dear @ddrave44  : I think that you can have a precise answer asking  J.Carr that is the owner of Lyra and you can be in contact with him here through Agon.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,


Ddrave, my Lyra Kleos cartridge ordered March 1 of this year, finally came in about eight months from its purchase date. What seemed to help was contactiing the new Lyra USA distribution heads, Shane Buettner, about a month ago and asking what was up. He responded quickly. His email address and phone # from the Lyra site is:

Contact Details

USA and Canada:
MIBS Distro
Gig Harbor WA, USA
P: 253-209-6792
W: .

Click in the following link:


Good luck, 


Thank you everyone for the ideas and answers. This this is the help that makes me really appreciate the Audiogon community!