Anyone try Synergistic Research PHT...

transducers on their cartridge/headshell? Wondering if this really improves sound, and which type do you use. Thanks.
A friend loaned me a blue velvet pht. I was quite frankly amazed at the improvement. I have since ordered a pair for myself.
Has anyone tried putting it on their junction box. I'm thinking of placing one on top of the collar where my din phono cable is inserted. The collar is attached to the tonearm (GRAHAM B44 PHANTOM 2.2 SUPREME)

Anyone Try out there phono cables? Right now there foundation phono cable comes with a free set of the PHT’S.

@lewm , Go for it!! Lew is absolutely correct, but I will put it in more distinctive terms. Anyone who falls for Synergistic Research's BS is being duped. SR is using audiophiles own frailties against them and sucking away money that could be spent on better equipment. Please do not fall for this Sh-t. Humans are dangerous creatures with a very strong survival instinct. In this day and age survival is money. Just look at your email box every morning. 3/4 of it or more is another human trying to scam you. You are more likely to be scammed than offered a reasonable proposition. In audio only go for something that has been proven to work by an independent agency that uses scientific methods. You never depend only on what any individual hears even yourself! When I try to figure out what setup sounds better I will go back and forth for hours sometimes. 

Notice how none of this garbage makes things sound worse? That is expectation bias at work.

SR has a piece of a big room at the Capital Audiofest, running through the end of the day today. I avoided it yesterday, but maybe I’ll check it out when I head back there in a few minutes. Although I hesitate to be as blunt as Mijostyn, my general opinion of the company, based on past history, is not dissimilar to his.