Cables for low power amps and Horns?

I wonder if anyone has experience on what speaker cables to use with single ended and Horns type combo? Does calbes make a different with these kind of set ups? Cheers.
DNM solidcore cables are surprisingly good. The sound the same as some very highend SC but for real world money.
I think cables can make a slight difference especially if those low powered amps are SET's. Also seems like the thinner the dielectric, the better.

Cardas makes/made a special cable for this type of amp called the SE-X (X depending on gauge).

They were copper and one thing they all had in common was a very thin dielectric. I used them and liked them. I now use silver wire with a teflon coating.

The theory is: the lower the soakage (absorption) of the coating (dielectric) the less smear will end up at the speaker.

Theories are nice but let your ears decide.
VH Audio has designed a very high end speaker cable which is exactly what you are looking for (IMO).
Thanks for the replies. This is what I am expecting that thin and simply designed cables are better suited to SETS then big thick cables with lots of damping. I had some JPS superconductors III and I believe they are holding off some air and openness from my Horns and Sets.
DNM is the way to go with low powered SET and efficient speakers seemed the thinner cable i tried the better everything sounded, better than overhyped overpriced,snake oil, garden hose them for the boatowners to tie up their boats to the dock ..also tried mapleshade but gave DMN solid core precision 2 the nod.again everything is system dependent