Who is Gonna Buy A New Jeep Grand Wagoneer For the MacIntosh Stereo?

Not I, Just wondering.


I drive a 2019 Subaru Outback and my wife's car was a 2020 Lexus LS350.  Both systems sound nice but I don't think I even paid attention to the brand of the sound system - I just wanted CD playing ability.

But my fondest memory is my no-name 8-Track player in my 1969 Chevy Malibu.

Jeeps used to meant for off-roading; I wouldn't think tubes would handle that too well.

Just another marketing ploy to separate the gullible from more of their cash, while stoking their egos.

Let’s see now, hi-fi in a noisy, piece of crap, gas guzzling vehicle. Yep the marketing plan seems as well thought out as everything else about the Jeep.