Gain / Amplification

Ok, dumb question maybe….maybe the more troll-like members could chill on this one.    I was just wondering, is there likely a quality-of-sound difference between utilizing maximum gain (say, out of a CD player, to keep it a simple scenario) and needing much less amplification from your amp, or is it in any way different to set your CD gain/output volume at a lower level and let your amp do its job?   Let’s say balanced connections, so that’s added gain as well.    
Question just kind of occurred to me when I fired up my Oppo for first time in awhile and it was **LOUD**.   Which is not an issue, I was just wondering, circuit design-wise and engineering-wise, should one or the other provide a better sound ?




If you are talking an Oppo 205… there was a long thread on AVS where they concluded you could set the Oppo volume as low as 70 without screwing up either bit density for sound quality or noise… if you needed to do so in order to set the preamp volume higher. 


Thanks that’s helpful I’ll search it.   I’m doing half-ass A/B comparisons (lower Oppo 205 gain, more amplification versus the opposite).



All transistor amps/preamps measure best at full throttle. So, no matter what you do you will not be operating in the best power range.