Gain / Amplification

Ok, dumb question maybe….maybe the more troll-like members could chill on this one.    I was just wondering, is there likely a quality-of-sound difference between utilizing maximum gain (say, out of a CD player, to keep it a simple scenario) and needing much less amplification from your amp, or is it in any way different to set your CD gain/output volume at a lower level and let your amp do its job?   Let’s say balanced connections, so that’s added gain as well.    
Question just kind of occurred to me when I fired up my Oppo for first time in awhile and it was **LOUD**.   Which is not an issue, I was just wondering, circuit design-wise and engineering-wise, should one or the other provide a better sound ?




Showing 3 responses by jhajeski


Thanks that’s helpful I’ll search it.   I’m doing half-ass A/B comparisons (lower Oppo 205 gain, more amplification versus the opposite).




thanks that’s exactly what I think I was looking for.    Yes, it’s an Oppo 205 with great ESS chips, and I run it thru a Parasound Halo Pre to a Parasound A21+.

Despite the ESS chipset, if analog volume control (at the preamp) is [circuit design/engineering wise] “better” than how it’s done in the digital domain, that’s what I was trying to confirm.    Obviously everyone’s situation will be a little different depending on their specific gear and other variables.


 Thanks all.  



thanks for the education & confirmation on volume control in digital vs analog domains.    I never really realized the difference til now.