Anything close to Hegel H360 but smaller/lighter?

So, I’m living in Brazil these days in an apartment with a room a little bigger than 12x12 (maybe 14x14) I’m guessing. I have a pair of Totem “The One” speakers laying in storage there and a Velodyne 12” subwoofer and I want to put these to use. I’m in the US now on a short stay and just bought the Martin Logan Forte simply  because it was cheap and I’m getting a buzz to listen to music again but I don’t want to break the bank. Plus, I’m in an apartment so sound levels need to be considered for the sake of neighbors. I knew this might happen…..I’m already thinking about upping the ante a bit and buying a somewhat decent integrated amp and came across good reviews for the Hegel H360 on here - would I get a noticeable sound quality difference if I sprung for this amp as opposed to the Forte. That is, $250 as opposed to a few grand?

Now I see that Hegel is 45lbs and I’m trying to bring this in my suitcase to Brazil and it will be doable if I sacrifice bringing other personal items back with me so, two questions here….

Will the Hegel provide me with a big noticeable difference in sound quality over the Forte ?

Is there another integrated out there that compares with the Hegel but is lighter/smaller?




You can carry on any gear that fits in the rectangular box they show you.

Heavy to lift up to the overhead though!

I had an old Sansui 8 receiver.

This is from TSA: Carry-on bags must weigh less than 35 pounds. Any Hegel will eight more than 35 pounds. Also, I went thru the Denver tsa check in after attending the RMAF and when my bag went thru the scanner, sirens went off and tsa officials ran over to my bag and to me. I just an anti-static gun at the show and the scanner thought it was a gun. Even after going thru my bag, since it put out X amount of volts, I was not allowed to carry it on.

I have had multiple Hegel integrated amps and the smaller amps (smaller than the h300), don’t have the damping factor as the bigger amps do. The h300 would be a good pick. I sold my hegels in the end and went with separates because my new speakers needed more power. BTW: I also had multiple pairs of totem mani II’s and the best they sounded were with the 1000 watt McIntosh monoblocks. All totems need good power, not just watts

I have the big Hegel integrated and am very happy with it (excellent DAC).  You could look at an entry level unit like the Hegel 190 that will be smaller/lighter. Should have enough juice for stand mounted speakers.  Or you could look at something in the Class D category.  I believe some of the NAD integrated amps are less than 15lbs.

Rbstenho… yes, I can understand your item getting scrutiny but honestly, I cram my carry-on with all my heavy items to keep my checked bag under weight and often need help lifting it to the overhead bins. TSA really don’t care about the weight of the carryon, as long as it fits the “size” requirements. My carry on always has my items that I don’t want broken or stolen, so, the Hegel along with these items will be a struggle. Only one time at the other end was my bag flagged because I had a big iMac computer in there. Customs asked me about it and I told them I have bad eyesight and can’t use a laptop and they ushered me on through!

The issue is never with TSA, it’s the other end where the main concern is bringing stuff into the country to sell, usually multiple identical items which I would never do, and honestly, if I had an audio amp that cost less than the max value allowed and was not brand new they really are ok with that, especially as it would be a personal item and I am relocating to the country.

The law is once you are granted permanent residency you have a six month period to bring everything you want from the US in a shipping container one time only, but I’m outside that timeframe now, besides, I’m not interested in bringing a ton of stuff with me. They also brought a new law in where you have the right to bring “musical instruments” inside the plane if they can fit in the overheads - this pissed a lot of regular passengers off, but it is what it is.


Anyway, I guess my objective is to find the smallest and lightest amp that is equal to or better than the Hegel 360 for running these bookshelf speakers and a sub, and used would be better than bringing a brand new amp through that I might get grilled for.

So, as somebody else pointed out that these other amps were great amps they would not be capable of driving the Totem “The One” speakers