Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ

My first concert in a while. Last was Sia. 

Roger has a message for his audience

that comes with the music. Somewhat off-putting

I must say. I went for music not politics. Not saying

I totally disagree with his. F-bombs galore. All our presidents

past and current are mass murderers. Could be a bit strong.

He is 79 and British.  Has some fun stories. I can live without

the other messages though. Is this messaging common nowadays?

Post removed 

The music he created which is some of the most iconic in 50 years was created with all members of Pink Floyd. One could not have done without the other. 

Have to face facts. Once in a lifetime artists are eccentric. Their music was created by and for a generation who was not concerned with over sensitivity or consumer entitlement. 

If you like them listen to them. If not then don't spend your time complaining about them

I can deal with a political position that differs form my own . In my life have held most of them - absent hard right or left - at one time or another.

But Mr Waters' recent backing of Putin re: Ukraine is so far outside the Overton Window for me. It makes me so angry. 

We are a nation of free expression though and he can say what he wants. and we are free to stop going to his shows. Which is what I fervently hope will happen.

What burns me is after fans paid $250 and up for a Waters concert, they are told if you don’t like his political beliefs to eff off at the bar. Why didn’t the advertising for the concert state that?  He took everyone’s money before that fact was disclosed. Shame on him and shame on the fans who put up with it.  When I saw David Gilmour perform his “ On An Island” tour with Rick Wright on keyboards, there was not one political statement uttered by him.  Just the music and his sweet guitar and keyboards.  The tickets were not anywhere starting at $250.00 either.  Like I said before, a very big FY to Waters. 

Rodger Waters has definitely gone off the rails and seems to go out of his way to bite the hands the feed him. As he grows older, he goes on rants and makes statements that not only piss of fans, but he also starts to tarnish the name Pink Floyd in the process. His resent comments have even lead to the possible cancelation of a 500 million dollar sale of the rights to the Pink Floyd catalog. I was going to go to the show, but videos and resent interviews led to the decision not to. 

Pink Floyd was a group and together they made great albums. However, in his mind, he was the only one that mattered and the other members of the band where not really members but just hired hands he tolerated till he "kicked them to the curb". I would much rather to listen to David Gilmour's solo records or even PF sands Rodger as it is just a better musical experience without hearing how we all suck and are terrible people. 

All one has to do is look and listen to music from "The Division Bell" tour an Rodger's most current tour and one can easily see Division Bell is vastly superior in every measurable data point.

Also - a few commenters mentioned U2. While I agree that there was a period of political ramblings, it was Bono who lead the charge just like Rodger. The difference is Bono matured and his message improved. He also puts his money where his mouth is, donating vast amounts to charities and performing good deeds around the world. So, in Bono's case, I give him a tone of slack as I think he is a good cat but can not say the same for Rodger. 

I will still listen to Pink Floyd but feel Rodger is doing himself and the band a disservice.