Roger Waters Live Last Night in Glendale,AZ

My first concert in a while. Last was Sia. 

Roger has a message for his audience

that comes with the music. Somewhat off-putting

I must say. I went for music not politics. Not saying

I totally disagree with his. F-bombs galore. All our presidents

past and current are mass murderers. Could be a bit strong.

He is 79 and British.  Has some fun stories. I can live without

the other messages though. Is this messaging common nowadays?


Showing 8 responses by slbjbb

Read about Roger's early upbringing and you get a glimpse into what formed his anti war and political positions. His deep feelings about war and loss underlie his best music. The Wall and The Final Cut are strong statements that look deep into his wounds. 

Roger uses his performances to provoke and reinforce the senselessness of war and the lifelong damage it has caused to millions. At the core of his statement is the fact that war is waged by political leaders and it is there that the senseless killing needs to stop. Agree with him or not, if you sign up for a live performance you will have his opinion delivered. If you put his music on your Hifi, he'll deliver it there too if you listen.


I should come as no surprise that a forum based on at home reproduction of artists expression would deteriorate into people insulting artists and other forum posters while hiding behind a keyboard. 

The original point to this thread was about an artist whose work became part of modern culture. The work itself is a strong anti war and strong political statement. 

No surprise that his message was missed.

Used to be a pass time for people with an interest in music and the search for ever improving reproduction. 

Now the forums deteriorate like any other form of public facing media. A downward spiral of poor taste and ignorance. 

Looks like this topic is yet another race to the bottom.



Read about his childhood.

His father was killed in World War II when Roger was 5 months old. As you research Roger you begin to understand why a man would grow to have the beliefs he did. Roger has resented the fact that he never knew his father and blamed what each of us would. 

Each of us has our own feelings about Roger's politics but knowing why allows a lot of understanding and certainly forgiveness in what we disagree with. 


Going to a Roger Waters concert it entertainment. He is an actor on a stage. Nothing more. He is not going to change the course of history or effect the world order in any way. His music gives you the first hint as to what his show is all about. Anyone showing up and finding him surprising is little sheltered. But, regardless of what his performance portrays, it is just entertainment. 


orgillian197 - My suggestion for you is research artists personal beliefs before you buy their music or attend any live event. Do the same with actors before watching television and movies. Research CEO beliefs and positions before buying any of their products. That way, you will not be conflicted or experience discomfort as you move across the entertainment and product spectrum.

The music he created which is some of the most iconic in 50 years was created with all members of Pink Floyd. One could not have done without the other. 

Have to face facts. Once in a lifetime artists are eccentric. Their music was created by and for a generation who was not concerned with over sensitivity or consumer entitlement. 

If you like them listen to them. If not then don't spend your time complaining about them