Maybe this is the winter you build something!

Hey it's me. Just reminding you to please consider building something this winter.  From a new power cable to speakers, maybe new acoustic panels you DIY or even speakers or a sweet preamp kit.

You'll have a lot of fun, and learn a ton.

It's weird to me that when I suggest Audiophiles might enjoy building stuff themselves I get flack.  "I don't like that! Stop promoting DIY! It will never be as good!"

Whatever. I think building is fun and educational. 


Does an Igloo count after some of @larsmans brownies and a couple of hot rum toddies...the temp is there, just need more snow than usual.....

@tim_p, as someone who lives in Alaska, you and @larsman aren't too far off from that reality.  She's a long cold one here, ol' winter.  

I love DIY! I find it so satisfying to research, plan, ponder, and work until the final product matches my vision (OK, acquiring new tools is really fun too). My 2020-2022 pandemic project was a custom walnut plinth for a Linn LP-12 turntable. Right now I'm working on building a walnut record cabinet. My winter project is expected to be a tube amp kit. I don't think there has ever been a point in my life where I haven't had some DIY project underway.

@akgwhiz - and I live in San Francisco, where during the summer months, it's usually colder than Alaska during that period!